A Biblical Worldview

The Magic Kingdom is, well, magical.

I’ve never been to one, but a state dinner at the White House is a very impressive affair.

A well-acted play pulls us into the story and moves us emotionally.

It’s always a different story though when we pull back the curtain. We see how things really work. We see who’s calling the shots. We see the good, the bad and the ugly.

It’s easy to walk through life and not give much thought to the action going on “behind-the-scenes.” We have to though. That’s the action that gives context to what we see happening around us everyday.

Perhaps most importantly, we cannot ever forget there’s a battle raging all around us. There always has been. Satan rebelled against God and took a third of the angels with him. He and his demonic forces now roam planet earth wreaking havoc.

Their goal?

“Steal, kill and destroy.” (John 10:10)

Satan wants to keep as many people as possible from coming to know Christ. For those who already know Christ, Satan wants to rob us of our joy and peace. He deceives us and lies to us and tempts us to go our own way rather than God’s way.

The battle is being fought over the souls of men and women. God desires that all come to know Him. Satan desires that none do.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but there is a battle. It’s against evil spiritual beings who in many cases accomplish their purposes through flesh and blood human beings. That means there is evil in the world. And there are some who stand on the side of what is good and right…and others who do not.

I wish the world could be at peace, but that will not ever be possible until Jesus returns. Unseen evil forces will see to it that wars will continue to be fought, women will be raped, children will be abused and minorities will be oppressed.

Current events, both foreign and domestic, must always be interpreted through the grid of God’s word. We cannot simply take everything at face value. There’s a battle being fought and we’re right in the middle of it.

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