An Ecclesiastes Kinda Feeling

Click on the title to read the first chapter of Ecclesiastes. It’ll give you some context for this post.

Do you ever feel like, “What’s the sense?” I mean with anything. What’s the sense? Why am I doing this? What’s the point? Does this even matter?

I’ve been feeling that way for a few weeks.

I actually think it’s a very normal, even biblical feeling. Solomon, the wisest guy who ever lived, felt it. He said:

“Everything is meaningless, completely meaningless.”

Think about it. You work. You pay your bills. You help your kids with homework. You try your best to love your spouse. You shop for groceries, cook a meal and do the dishes. You sleep. You do it all over again.

Then what?

Well, then you die…and are soon forgotten. And this is the way God made it. If you skipped reading the chapter, go back and read it. The raw truth is there.

This life doesn’t fulfill. Even the best it has to offer isn’t enough. We want more.

The fact that this life can’t deliver and always leaves us wanting should lead us to ask, “What’s the sense? What is this all about?”

Food doesn’t fulfill. Music doesn’t. Sex doesn’t either. Work doesn’t do it. Serving others may come a little closer, but it comes up short, too.

So what’s the sense?

In the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon begins by saying, “Remember your Creator…”

And then he concludes the book with this thought:

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Remember God. Fear Him. Obey Him.

In other words, diligently seek Him. Give Him first place. Allow nothing to come before Him. Revere Him. Respect Him. Be humble before Him. And do what He says.

So what’s the sense? God. He’s the point. He’s what makes sense of all this meaninglessness.

We’re here on earth for a brief moment in time. And while we are, we wrestle with meaning and purpose and fulfillment. It won’t always be that way though. When this time is up, we’ll step into a reality where nothing will feel meaningless. Ultimate fulfillment will be ours.

Until then…

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