Believing God For…

I’m believing God for healing.

I’m believing God for a baby.

I’m believing God for a job.

I’m believing God for a spouse.

I’m believing God for a house.

I’m believing God for financial help.

I’m believing God for my child to do well in school, make good friends, make good decisions, etc .

I’m believing God for wisdom to know what to do.

If I didn’t hit your situation exactly, I probably came close. Whatever your situation, it’s probably weighing on you today. It may be difficult to see anything else. It feels like a moment-by-moment battle to make it through the day.

A number of years ago, I was in a very intense period of seeking and waiting on God. I was in a period of transition between jobs and was waiting for God to open a door. I didn’t sense any leading from God other than to “wait.” The more I sought Him, the more I sensed Him telling me to wait.

During this period of waiting, there was a battle raging for control of my mind. God wanted me to seek and trust Him with confidence. He wanted me to enjoy His peace and comfort.

Satan wanted me fully focused on the impossibility of my circumstances. He wanted to deceive and discourage me.

The same battle is raging for your mind today. Whoever wins the battle also gains control of your emotions and your will.

When you feel the battle raging, try these strategies to keep your mind focused on and controlled by God:

1. Ask God to speak to your situation. Ask Him to lead you to a passage of scripture that relates to what you’re going through. I don’t know how He’ll do this for you, but He has done it many times for me. There is no substitute for being in His word and letting Him speak to you.

2. Be in His word regularly. I don’t just mean a few times a week. I mean a few times a day. When you feel yourself getting anxious or discouraged, open your Bible and read. Read passages that remind You of His greatness, His faithfulness and His love. Meditate on passages that encourage you to keep trusting Him.

3. Listen to worship music. Create a playlist on your iPod of encouraging worship songs. Listen to it throughout the day. If you can’t do that because of work, then listen on the way to work, during lunch, on your way home and before you go to sleep. It’s hard to worry or be filled with fear while praising God.

4. Find someone who will also choose to believe God with you. Pray together.

5. Avoid talking to or sharing your situation with negative people. I found that very well-meaning people can actually be very discouraging with just a question or facial expression. If God is doing something in you and has led you to trust Him for something, it doesn’t mean He has also spoken to others about it. Most people are not believing God, so they will naturally think you are being foolish for believing Him.

6. As hard as this will be, try to not to be overly focused on the thing or person or situation you are believing God for. Try to also focus on seeking God. He is your life. He is your peace. He is your provider. He is your security. I have made the mistake of seeking what I wanted from Him, but not seeking Him. When I got what I wanted, I forgot Him.

7. Hold whatever you are believing God for with an open hand. I know how badly you want it. I know it seems like it’s something God should do for you. It looks like He’s even promised it. I know…but hold it with an open hand. We will never understand all God does or doesn’t do. Choose to believe He is good and that He loves you even when He doesn’t do what you’ve asked or when you’ve asked for it.

8. Look for someone else to encourage. You won’t have to look very hard. There are people all around you today who need a kind word, a pat on the back or a “thank you.” There are people who are fighting the battle right now like you are. They’re discouraged and want to quit. Maybe they just need someone to help point them back to God’s faithfulness. Maybe God wants to use you. Don’t wait…do it now. THERE’S SOMETHING VERY, VERY POWERFUL ABOUT ACTUALLY HEARING YOURSELF EXPRESS YOUR FAITH IN GOD OUT LOUD. WHEN YOU HEAR YOURSELF SAY IT, IT CEMENTS IT IN YOUR OWN MIND AND HEART.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  (Hebrews 11:1)

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