Yada, Yada…It’s Not Just a Seinfeld Episode

In my last post, we looked at Genesis 15 and Abram’s encounter with God. Nothing in Abram’s circumstances would have led him to believe he was going to be the father of nations and that the entire world would be blessed through him. Why? He was old and childless and so was his wife, Sarai. […]

50 Ways to Slowly Kill Your Marriage

Are you contributing to the health or death of your marriage? Would your spouse agree? Are you sure? Sadly, many husbands and wives have no idea they are slowly killing their marriages. And often they don’t find out until it’s too late. Most couples want a better marriage. They just don’t always act like it. […]

Moments of Doubt

Have you ever felt confident you were in God’s will and then later wondered if you’d made the right decision? Have you ever had a strong conviction about something only to later completely change your mind? Do you sometimes feel strong in your faith and in the next moment feel filled with doubt? If we’re […]

“It’s Never Been This Bad”

It seems that way, doesn’t it? Racial tensions are high. Radical Islamic terrorists are killing innocent people in more and more countries. Political divisions in the United States run deep. The federal government continues to run up debt with no end in sight. Behaviors that used to be wrong are now seen as right and […]

9-11 Thoughts and Memories

Thirteen years ago today, I flew to Denver with some colleagues for a meeting. I went for a run the next morning. When I got back to the hotel, I learned the first of the two World Trade Center buildings had been attacked. I went back to my room, turned the television on and watched […]

What Do You Expect God to Do?

Don’t you love it when someone exceeds your expectations? It could be your spouse who prepares your favorite meal while you relax. Or a server in a restaurant who anticipates your needs and meets them. It could be an online retailer who ships your order sooner than you expected. On the other hand, it can […]

Harmony or Disharmony?

If you’re experiencing frustration as you try to live the Christian life, it may be due to a conflict between your nature and your behavior. In the matrix I sketched above, you’ll see that the person living in the lower left quadrant is experiencing harmony between their nature and their behavior. Their nature is sinful […]

Marital Satisfaction Formula

There’s only one relationship on earth that God compares to His relationship with the church. It’s not the parent-child relationship. It’s not the love between siblings or best friends. It’s certainly not the relationship between a boss and an employee. It’s marriage. The relationship between one man and one woman. For a lifetime. As the […]