There’s No Place Like Home

We’ve only lived here for five years, but I love my hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas, the home of the University of Arkansas. I also love the Jersey Shore, where I grew up, about sixty miles south of New York City. I wish I could get back there more often than I do. My dad grew […]

Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe

One of the best feelings in the world is watching your children take their first steps. I loved sitting on the floor opposite Robyn and watching as our kids would attempt to make it across the room from one of us to the other. “Come on! You can do it!” I think when we’re taking […]

Three Things God Wants

I’m intentionally using the word “wants” as opposed to “needs.” God does not need anything. If He did, then He wouldn’t be complete. He doesn’t need anything at all. Not from you. Not from me. But God does want things. Let’s look at three of them. Take a moment to read Mark 5:1-20. We see […]

You Are In Error Because…

The religious people used to ask Jesus questions to try and test Him or trick Him. One of those times is found in Matthew 22:23:33. Jesus gives them an answer, which He doesn’t always do, but first He tells them, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of […]

The Healing

Every once in awhile I like to re-post this short story I wrote a number of years ago. It’s about legalism, mercy and healing. THE HEALING Phil entered the restaurant, sat down in a booth and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim light. The lone waitress approached and took his order. Water. […]

Reflections From a Road Trip

Several days ago, I flew to Seattle, so I could make the drive back to Northwest Arkansas with my daughter, Erica. She’s going to live with us for a month or so while her husband is in Army Ranger training at Ft. Benning. Our drive took 37 hours over three days and covered over 2,300 […]

Praying For Patience

Have you ever been stuck at a traffic light and felt like it was the longest red light in history? There’s one particular light between my house and my office that feels that way. So I timed it today. From the time the light turned red until it turned green again…it was 90 seconds. Not […]

I Will Do Whatever You Ask In My Name

Do you remember what opportunity cost is from your economics class? Opportunity cost is what you gave up when you chose one thing over another. It’s what you could have had. If you spend $3,000 on a Hawaiian vacation, then your opportunity cost may be the new deck or hot tub you wanted. When you […]