The Tragedy of a Life Without Purpose

Why are you here? On earth, I mean. Why do you exist? If the atheist is right, then questions of meaning or purpose are irrelevant. If the universe exists purely by chance, then you and I have no purpose. Of course, we could each assign a purpose to our own lives, but there’s nothing beyond […]

Who Do You Need to Ignore?

I learned a number of years ago that well-meaning people sometimes need to be ignored. Good people, nice people can sometimes be the most discouraging. God was leading me to take a step of faith. A big one. And the more I obeyed and trusted Him, the more He confirmed I was doing the right […]

Why Didn’t God Stop the Evil at Sandy Hook?

Why didn’t God stop what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Surely He saw it coming. He saw how disturbed the killer was. He saw the planning. He saw him driving to the school. Couldn’t God have prevented the murder of innocent children and teachers? Did God not care? Is He really not as good […]

Election and Other Reflections

I’ll be honest, I’m disappointed with the result of the presidential election. My candidate lost. Actually, my preferred candidates weren’t even running. So I’m feeling disappointed along with at least 57 million others. But there are over 59 million people who are quite happy with the outcome today. Many of whom would profess to trust […]

Sandy the Destroyer

Sandy, a once-in-a-lifetime storm, cut a path of destruction across the northeastern United States over the past several days. The above picture was taken just a few miles from where I grew up. It’s hard to believe. Some areas of the Jersey Shore have been totally destroyed. The devastation is just overwhelming. And I’m only […]

50 Ways to Slowly Kill Your Marriage

Are you contributing to the health or death of your marriage? Would your spouse agree? Are you sure? Sadly, many husbands and wives have no idea they are slowly killing their marriages. And often they don’t find out until it’s too late. Most couples want a better marriage. They just don’t always act like it. […]

Whatever You Do, Don’t Give Up

The older I get–I’ll be 50 in a couple weeks–the less I seem to understand. I had much more figured out a couple decades ago. I’m probably less sure about more things than I’ve ever been, while still remaining solid on my core beliefs. At the core, I believe there is a God who has […]

The Razorbacks Drop From the Poll

I’ve been a football fan for as long as I can remember. This is a picture of me in a three point stance at about three-years-old. My dad played and coached football. I played and have coached a couple seasons. And now my son is playing high school football. Almost forty years ago–it just hit […]