The Bait and Switch in Marriage

A man and a woman meet. They like each other and soon begin dating. There’s some real chemistry and things start to get serious. It’s not long before they’re talking about marriage. She’s attracted to him because he’s so attentive to her. He asks her questions and actually listens to her answers. She loves their […]


It’s a real word. I looked it up. Of course spell check doesn’t recognize it. Maybe it just wants me to add a hyphen. I read an article last night about a high school football player who had committed to play football for the University of Oklahoma, but had later decided to decommit. Decommit. Is […]

I Know the Plans I Have For You

Robyn and I sent some chocolate covered strawberries to a friend who’s serving at a Young Life camp in Colorado this month. If you’ve never tried Shari’s Berries, I highly recommend them! I was tracking the shipment this morning and took this screen shot on my phone: The order was picked up yesterday evening in […]

What is Heaven Like? (Part 2 of 2)

Yesterday, we looked at what we can learn about heaven from Genesis 1 and 2 and Revelation 21 and 22. In those chapters, we see God’s original design for the earth and how He will one day make the earth new. You can read yesterday’s post here, if you missed it. Let’s continue our look […]

What is Heaven Like? (Part 1 of 2)

For many years, I had a completely wrong view of heaven. I used to think we’d float around in some spiritual dimension, I guess as spirits, because I didn’t really see us having actual bodies like we do now. I imagined this spiritual realm would be very bright. That’s about it. I knew it would […]

A God-Powered Marriage

It’s a beautiful spring day in Kansas City. I’m here to perform a wedding ceremony later this afternoon. As soon as the ceremony is over, I’ll begin the 250 mile drive back to Fayetteville so I can preach on Sunday morning at The Church at Arkansas. I’ll be teaching from Acts 16:1-12, where we find […]