Category Archives: Difficulties
You and Your Life
What is Your Default Mode?
Cancer of the Heart
Have you ever heard of someone having heart cancer? I haven’t. Lung cancer. Prostate cancer. Breast cancer. All kinds of cancer, but not heart cancer. In a review of 12,000 autopsies, only seven people were found to have had a cardiac tumor. The Mayo Clinic only sees about one case a year. So it’s a […]
You Don’t “Fall” Out of Love
The Biggest Troublemaker
Who is causing you the most trouble right now? Is it your boss? Unreasonable deadlines? Micromanaging? Lack of encouragement? Is it a friend or roommate who’s acting selfishly? Is it a family member? A child who won’t listen? A spouse who doesn’t understand? So who is it? Right now, who in your life is causing […]
God, Have You Forgotten Me?
Your Worldview
God Lets Us Choose
Christmas Spirit
It’s less than two weeks until Christmas. So how’s your Christmas spirit holding up? Do you feel connected to God? Or has the busyness of the season already robbed you of what little joy and peace you had? Sometimes I think the root of our problem is the simple fact that we practically live like […]