Just Answer the Question

In John 5, Jesus asks a man who’s been lame for 38 years, “Would you like to get well?” It’s a “yes” or “no” question. Either the man wants to be well or he doesn’t. But that’s not how he answers. He begins to explain to Jesus “why” he can’t be healed. That wasn’t the […]

My 3 Greatest Mistakes

I’ve made more mistakes and bad decisions than I could ever possibly count. I could probably list a hundred or more without any trouble, but I’d probably be forgetting thousands of others. Most of my wrong choices and failures could be lumped into the major categories of career, finances and things I’ve said. But the […]

Knowing God’s Will

Have you ever wanted to know God’s will beyond any shadow of a doubt? I mean no wondering, no second guessing, no trying to figure things out? Well, keep reading…but let me start with a few more questions… Would you describe yourself as “grateful?” Are you thankful for what you have? Or do you feel […]

Survey Results

I posted a link on Facebook to a six-question marriage survey. It’s still open, so if you’d like to take it CLICK HERE. It’s completely anonymous. As of now, here are some of the results… Slightly more women responded (60%) than men (40%). It was a fairly even split as far as number of years […]


Do you have a favorite day of the year? Your birthday? Valentine’s Day? Your anniversary? Thanksgiving or Christmas? The opening day of deer season? My favorite day of the year is December 23rd. Why December 23rd? It’s because of the anticipation. It’s all those magical moments leading up to being together as a family and […]


20 Days of Believing God (Day 18) I wouldn’t consider myself to be someone who is ungrateful. But then I realized that I often focus on what I don’t have. What I’m lacking. What I still want. And so I feel discontent. Disappointed. Sometimes like I’m failing. So today I thought I’d turn it around…for […]

Progressive Overload

20 Days of Believing God (Day 15) If you include resistance training as part of your exercise program, then you already know about the principle of “progressive overload.” To get stronger, you progressively increase the resistance you’re lifting. The muscle then responds by getting bigger, which means you get stronger. Our faith grows in the […]