How Does It Feel?

“Because of Jehovah’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Yesterday, I asked some friends what God’s love felt like. The answers I got were more like results of God’s love or the benefits we receive. For example, we enjoy God’s peace, […]

God’s Timing and Faithfulness

Some observations from the past few months… If I’m feeling disappointed by God then my expectations were the problem, not God’s faithfulness. God may appear to be late, but He never is. Helps to remember #1. Circumstances are rarely, if ever, a good measure of God’s faithfulness. Believing God is not as easy as it […]

Praise Him…no, really…praise Him

Five times in the first three verses of Psalm 113, the writer says to praise Jehovah. So how many times do I just read past “Praise Him” to get to something new or more interesting…some encouraging thought for the day? It’s hard to ignore five times in three verses though. Rather than reading on, today […]