Category Archives: Other
Overwhelmed By Circumstances
When Tragedy…or Tragedies Strike
Imagine moving to another state, far away, due to tough economic conditions. Maybe not so hard to imagine these days. Once there, one of your sons falls in love and gets married. Then the other son gets married. Life is good. But then tragedy strikes and your spouse dies. It’s especially tough being so far […]
What I Want
The Object of Our Faith
It’s very tempting to follow the latest financial news. Dow plummets! Foreclosures on the increase! Banks fail! Housing prices decline! I find that the more I entertain those types of stories, the more I become anxious. Is it any wonder? God hasn’t changed. His promise to meet the needs of those who seek first His […]
Milestones and Fresh Starts
A Little Healthy Tension
God was a lot easier to figure out 25 years ago. He seemed logical and predictable and safe. Today, well, let’s just say I’ve got fewer easy answers when it comes to explaining God’s behavior. Maybe I’m just less satisfied with the simple answers I would have believed or spouted when I was younger in […]