Circumstantial Evidence

I really don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but sometimes it feels like God would be found guilty of being unfaithful based on circumstantial evidence. A financial need goes unmet. A relationship conflict remains unresolved. The biopsy is positive for cancer. A loveless, sexless marriage is endured for another year. Based solely on the circumstances, God […]

Mind Space

My mind is like active radar. It’s continually sweeping the landscape looking for incoming thought traffic. It never stops identifying various thought-blips. Some blips get identified as non-threatening and are allowed to pass through my mind-space unchallenged. It’s going to be sunny today. Michael Phelps won another gold medal. My lone tomato plant is dying […]


I just watched a video of a guy who pretended to choke on a bite of food, but the pretending quickly turned to real choking. At first, those around him thought he was faking, so they did nothing. They were completely unaware he was dying before their eyes. Eventually someone realized what was happening and […]