No Intentions of Obeying

There are certain passages in the Bible that I’ve really had no intention of obeying. For example, James writes, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds…” Pure joy? Come on. Really? Not even just “joy”, but “pure joy.” To be honest, I really don’t want to. At best, trials […]

How Do You Explain This?

I’ve been thinking about what it was like for Mary, the mother of Jesus. A pregnant, unwed teenager having to explain to family and friends what happened. “Mary, how could you do this?” “I didn’t do anything.” “But you’re pregnant.” “But I’m still a virgin.” “Tell me who the father is.” “God.” “God? What makes […]

A Very Slippery Slope

First, read the post from December 15th, if you haven’t already. Ashley and Kyle, Part 2 Ashley’s breakfast meeting wrapped up around 9:30. Her next appointment wasn’t until afternoon, so she found an empty table near the window and ordered a latte. She watched the crowds of people making their way to work. A few […]

What Do You Think Happens?

“Ashley, come in here!” Kyle yelled from the living room. “It’s 3rd and goal on the 2. Five seconds left!” Ashley loaded the remaining dishes into the dishwasher and slammed the door. “Ashley? Hurry up! This is the last play! If the Giants score, they’ve got home field locked up.” “Manning…play action…he’s chased out of […]