Having a Talk With the Younger You

Imagine you have the chance to go back in time to have a talk with the younger you. And let’s say you get to visit yourself at different stages of your life. How do you think those talks would go? If you could visit the toddler you, maybe you’d mostly observe and marvel at the […]

Just Answer the Question

In John 5, Jesus asks a man who’s been lame for 38 years, “Would you like to get well?” It’s a “yes” or “no” question. Either the man wants to be well or he doesn’t. But that’s not how he answers. He begins to explain to Jesus “why” he can’t be healed. That wasn’t the […]

Mother’s Day

On this Mother’s Day 2016, a tribute to my wife… The greatest blessing in my life over the past thirty-one years has been my wife, Robyn. Through her, God demonstrates His love for me. Through her, He meets my needs and encourages me. Robyn is God-in-the-flesh to me. When I meet with couples for marriage […]


20 Days of Believing God (Day 18) I wouldn’t consider myself to be someone who is ungrateful. But then I realized that I often focus on what I don’t have. What I’m lacking. What I still want. And so I feel discontent. Disappointed. Sometimes like I’m failing. So today I thought I’d turn it around…for […]

Actively Waiting on God

20 Days of Believing God (Day 10) Yesterday, we looked at the wrong ways to wait on God. Today, let’s look at how to do it right. I knew a guy a number of years ago who was an ultra-marathon runner. Those are the 100-mile races. He and I got into a fitness discussion one […]

How Not to Wait on God

20 Days of Believing God (Day 9) You have a need. You feel confident God will meet it. But nothing happens. So you wait. And wait…and wait. Until you’re tired of waiting. So tired. After God promised Abraham and Sarah they would have a son, they waited 25 years for his birth. David waited 14 […]

What Do You Do When You Feel Like Quitting?

Do you ever get to the point where you’ve had enough? I mean really had enough. Like you’ve given it your best shot, but it just didn’t work out? Maybe you feel that way about your marriage. Or a relationship with one of your kids. Or someone you’ve been dating. Or the business you started. […]

The End of Season 3

Robyn and I began Season 1 of our life together on June 8, 1985 in Hammond, Louisiana. Because I was right out of college, we soon moved in with my parents while raising the funds needed to fund our ministry to college students back at Cornell where we’d met. I’m grateful my parents allowed us […]

14 Moments I Wish I Could Live Over

On the day before he died, I asked my dad if given the chance, what moment from his life he would live over. Without hesitation, he said, “The first time I kissed Sylvia.” Sylvia is my wonderful step-mom. As my youngest daughter gets ready to move to Germany in a couple weeks and my other […]