Marriage God’s Way

Some random thoughts on marriage from James 3:13-4:7…. Unmet or conflicting desires can lead to fighting. When you put your own wants and desires before your spouse’s, there will inevitably be conflict. The world’s plan is to put our own needs before our spouse’s needs. James 3:13-18, tells us this will be characterized by envy […]

Does God Want Us to Fail?

Before you answer, let’s look at some of the definitions from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: to lose strength: weaken <her health was failing> to fade or die away <until our family line fails> to stop functioning normally <the patient’s heart failed> to fall short <failed in his duty> to be unsuccessful <the marriage failed> to become […]

Where’s God When You Need Him?

I just finished reading through the Old Testament books of Judges and Ruth. They both take place during the same time period in Israel’s history. In Judges, we get a look at all of the various people who led Israel during the time from about 1382 to 1043 BC, including Deborah, Gideon and Samson. These […]

How Not To Determine God’s Will For You

Saul has been anointed the first king over Israel and he’s getting ready to go into battle against the Philistines. Samuel tells Saul: “Go down ahead of me to Gilgal. I will surely come down to you to sacrifice burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, but you must wait seven days until I come to you […]

How Quickly Do You Forget?

I’ve become very good at forgetting. I can forget why I walked into a room. I can start a task, get distracted, and an hour later remember what I was originally going to do. A couple weeks ago, I forgot my oldest daughter’s wedding anniversary. Those things aren’t good, but there’s a type of forgetting […]

How Much of What You Think About is True?

I was just doing a little research today to see how many thoughts the average person has each day. Opinions vary widely. One source said 2,400. Another said 55,000 and another 70,000. Interestingly, the article that said 2,400 also said that world-class athletes have less thoughts, which leads to greater focus. Or would it be […]

11 Ways to Build a Stronger Marriage

During my senior year of high school football, we were getting ready to play Southern Regional. All week, our coaches told us to watch out for the “sleeper play.” More specifically, as a cornerback, I was to watch out for the sleeper play. What Southern Regional would do is break the huddle and line up […]