
Have you ever read the Old Testament and wondered how God could just wipe people out? I mean there’s the the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho and all the nations in the land of Canaan. It just seems like lots of innocent people are suddenly killed as a result of God’s orders. Where’s the God […]

For I Know the Plans I Have For You

I’ve begun a countdown. I even have a countdown app on my iPhone. Four hundred days from today, I will turn 50. I don’t know about you, but 50 doesn’t sound young to me. Of course, it’s all a matter of perspective. If you’re 70, then 50 is young. If you’re 20, then 50 is […]

The Heart

What are your deepest desires? Deepest fears? What do you want? The answers to those questions lie within your heart. The heart is tough to describe though. Even tougher to figure out. The heart includes our emotions, passions, appetites and conscience. It includes our mind and will. Of course, I guess you could separate all […]

Something Better Than Prayer

Before I get started, some disclaimers: I don’t believe in formulas. In Chemistry? Yes. In life? No. God isn’t a predictable science experiment. If we do A and B, God is not obligated to do C. Life is messy. We live in a fallen, broken, sinful world. Bad things can happen even when we do […]

Media Fast

In the last few days… The credit rating of the United States was downgraded by Standard & Poor’s. One of our military helicopters was shot down in Afghanistan killing 30 of our most elite soldiers. My son-in-law will be deployed there next year. As I write this, the DOW is down 450 points today. The […]

God Answers the “Why?” Question

When things go wrong, terribly wrong, we can’t help asking God, “Why?” Why did You let this happen? Why did you let him die? Why can’t I get pregnant? Why can’t I find a job? Maybe you’ve asked one of those questions. Maybe you’re asking one now. Or a different one. Often, no answer comes. […]

Spiritual Heat Stroke

“Get away from the water!” Ask any high school football player who played prior to just a few years ago and he’ll probably tell you he heard a coach yell, “Get away from the water!” more than once in his life. Things have changed though. There was a mandatory parent meeting at my son’s high […]