The Bait and Switch in Marriage

A man and a woman meet. They like each other and soon begin dating. There’s some real chemistry and things start to get serious. It’s not long before they’re talking about marriage. She’s attracted to him because he’s so attentive to her. He asks her questions and actually listens to her answers. She loves their […]

Is Tolerance the Highest Virtue?

In 2012 America, the worst labels you can hang on someone are intolerant, hateful, narrow minded and judgmental. Now if you disagree with someone’s opinions, beliefs or actions, you are being intolerant. Just ask the president of Chick-fil-A. It seems that tolerance has become the highest virtue. But should it be? Recently, there was an […]


It’s a real word. I looked it up. Of course spell check doesn’t recognize it. Maybe it just wants me to add a hyphen. I read an article last night about a high school football player who had committed to play football for the University of Oklahoma, but had later decided to decommit. Decommit. Is […]