I just watched a video of a guy who pretended to choke on a bite of food, but the pretending quickly turned to real choking. At first, those around him thought he was faking, so they did nothing. They were completely unaware he was dying before their eyes. Eventually someone realized what was happening and saved him.
I couldn’t help thinking our hearts are just like that guy.
In Luke 8, Jesus tells the parable about the farmer who goes out to sow his seed. The birds eat the seed that landed on the path. The seed that fell on the rock grew, but whithered quickly because it had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns. When it grew up, the plants were choked by the thorns and never produced fruit.
Jesus tells us that life’s worries, riches and pleasures are what choke God’s word in our hearts. We can read the Bible, listen to a sermon or receive encouragement from a friend, but if the word is sown among the thorns in our heart, then it is choked out and dies.
Life’s worries, riches and pleasures–they can be enough to overtake God’s word. They can become so strong, so prevalent in our hearts, that we do not allow God’s word to produce fruit in us.
Tragically our hearts may be choking and we’re not even aware. We’ve become so accustomed to worrying about this life and pursuing wealth and pleasure that we don’t even know we’ve been overtaken by thorns. Our hearts are holding on for dear life while we sit idly by, unaware we’re witnessing a death.