Do You Believe in Miracles? Yes!

It was thirty years ago today that Al Michaels exclaimed, “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!” as the United States men’s Olympic hockey team beat the Soviet Union in the semi-finals in Lake Placid, New York. Yesterday, I was wiping away tears as I watched a program that took a look back at that 1980 team and their improbable victory over the Soviets and then the gold medal win over Finland.

It’s thirty years later, but Al’s question is still relevant. Do you believe in miracles?

There are only two times in the New Testament where it tells us that Jesus was amazed. First, He was amazed by a Roman soldier’s faith, which resulted in the soldier’s servant being healed.

The second time, Jesus was amazed by the lack of faith displayed by the people in His hometown. The result? “He could not do any miracles there…”

I heard Mike Eruzione, the captain of that 1980 American hockey team, interviewed this morning. He was asked about the mindset of the team on the day before the game against the Soviet Union. Did they really believe they could win?

Mike said the team absolutely believed they could win. He said that if you believe you are going to lose…you probably will.

So what about you? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe God can do something in your situation that has no earthly explanation? Do you believe God can and will show up?

Or are you convinced your situation is hopeless? That there’s nothing God can or will do? And there’s no use in getting your hopes up?

I’ve been on both sides of the fence. I’ve believed with all my heart that God was about to show up and do something amazing. I’ve also been filled with dark clouds of doubt and unbelief.

What kind of a miracle do you need to see?

Do you need healing?

Are you trying to get pregnant?

Do you need a financial breakthrough?

Does it involve a relationship with a spouse, a child, a friend or co-worker?

Call it a miracle or a work of God or whatever you want, but I encourage you to believe. Believe God can and believe God will. Amaze Jesus by your faith. Don’t stop believing. When God doesn’t show up when you hoped He would–don’t stop believing. Refuse to quit.

I know some will say that you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment by continuing to believe. I know. I understand. That’s what I told myself a number of years ago. To avoid the disappointment, I stopped counting on God. I stopped believing He would do anything extraordinary for me.

I’m sure I amazed Him by my lack of faith. It also took me a number of years to pull out of my tailspin into doubt, unbelief, anger, bitterness and cynicism.

So don’t stop believing. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop seeking Him. At the same time–don’t miss this part–be open to what else God may have for you. God may not grant what you’d hoped and prayed for. Why? I don’t know.

But I do know this: God will never cease loving you or being good to you.

Maybe sometimes the miracle is what God does in us by helping us believe He is still loves us and is still good even when we’re disappointed or hurting or confused.

Do you believe? In miracles? In His love and goodness?

Do you believe?

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