Imagine you have the chance to go back in time to have a talk with the younger you. And let’s say you get to visit yourself at different stages of your life. How do you think those talks would go?
If you could visit the toddler you, maybe you’d mostly observe and marvel at the you that was free to play and explore without a care in the world.
You might ask the 10-year-old you what you’re beginning to dream about or what you most like to learn. The 13-year-old you might love to read science fiction or write stories or climb trees or play baseball. You might have forgotten how much those brought you joy.
The 17-year-old you not only has dreams, but plans. There’s a great life ahead and you’re ready to experience it. Are you tempted to tell the younger you to be more realistic? Prepare for disappointment? Or would you tell yourself to really go for it?
I don’t know if your younger years were painful or wonderful. I suspect for most of us, the answer lies somewhere in between. There was good and bad. Looking back might bring a mixture of joy and sadness. Hope and regret.
But unless you’re already dead (and I’m assuming you’re not since you’re still reading), it’s not too late to make some changes. Now if you’re 60-years-old and dreamed of being a dancer on Broadway, then, yes, it’s too late for that. But it’s not too late to still do something. Dance for exercise. Take a class. If it’s still in your heart, then do something about it.
Think about it this way…
You’ve just told the 10-year-old you about your life today…is the younger you jumping up and down with excitement? Or crying?
You’ve just explained to the 17-year-old why you never pursued some of the dreams and goals you had in high school. What do you think the younger you would say:
“Why are you so afraid?”
“Why do you care so much about what other people think?”
“So are you saying you’ve given up?”
“Wow! Way to go! I can’t wait to get there!”
What about you? Is there a dream or desire God put in your heart when you were younger? Has it been lying dormant? Maybe now is the time to breathe some life into it, to do something about it…before it really is too late.