Help Me, Lord, Please!

I got off the phone a little while ago with a friend who’s going through a rough season. He’s currently unemployed and it’s been really tough on him. This is a guy who works hard, has tremendous gifts and skills, and has been very successful in his field, but he hasn’t been able to find a job. It’s not like he hasn’t tried. He’s also a loving husband and devoted dad, but his circumstances have caused some tension at home.

Maybe you can relate to my friend. You may have faced similar circumstances. You may be in them now.

You may be in a situation that despite your best efforts isn’t getting better. In fact, it may be getting worse. You’ve tried everything you know to do and nothing has worked.

That can be hard enough, but for those of us who also try to follow Jesus, there can be added pain and  confusion. If there was no God, if the universe really was a random accident, then difficult circumstances would be expected, right? Why would things not be hard?

But for those of us who follow Jesus, it can sometimes be confusing and painful when God doesn’t seem to be come through for us right when we need Him the most. We work hard. We pray hard. We seek God’s will. We stay faithful.

But God doesn’t come through. Or at least it seems that way. He just lets our difficulties continue. Often with no end in sight.

By the way, I know God never promised life would be easy. My friend knows that, too. But it doesn’t remove the pain, does it?

Another friend of mine, who has also been battling a lengthy season of unemployment, once said, “Growth is always preceded by pain or confusion.”

I need to remember that.

When nothing is working out and God appears to be AWOL, we can always know this: God is growing us. He’s growing our relationship with Him. He’s growing our faith. He’s growing our character. He’s growing our capacity to minister to others.

Don’t miss that last one. It’s been huge in my life. I hated some of the circumstances God took me through, but they enlarged my heart. I’m able to empathize with others because of what I experienced. I have compassion for others I wouldn’t have had.

So now what?

You’re in circumstances you didn’t ask for, didn’t want and wouldn’t wish on anyone. A serious illness. A divorce. The death of someone you love. Or like my friends, you’re struggling to find a job. Maybe you’re depressed and don’t know why. Or you’re lonely. Or you’re scared. Or you just don’t care any more.

What do you do now?

I won’t insult you with worn out Christian cliches that only make the pain worse, but when we’re in dark seasons, it’s sometimes easy to forget the core principles of our faith that really do bring strength and encouragement. So let me remind you of two things:

1. God has not forgotten you and will bring this season to an end. I know you can’t see a way out. I know God seems not to care. I know it doesn’t seem like He’s at work. But He has not forgotten you and He already sees how He will bring an end to your current circumstances.

2. Sometimes the best prayer is simply, “Help me, Lord, please!” You don’t have to be eloquent. Just cry out. And don’t stop. He will give peace and comfort in the midst of whatever you’re facing. He can also knock down walls, part seas, move mountains, change hearts, open doors or accomplish whatever else you need. And at just the right time, He will.

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

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