How Long Will You Waver?

Which one of these is not like the others?

Murder. Adultery. Idol worship. Rape.

Yeah, I know. Idol worship, right? It’s not even in the same category as the others, is it?

Of course, it may not be in the same category as the others for a different reason than we might think. What if it’s in a different category because it’s even worse than the others?

Please don’t hear me say that murder, adultery, rape are not horrible sins. They are. They’re inexcusable. But what if worshiping idols is even worse?

As I’ve read through 1 Kings, it’s fascinating that God keeps referring to the “sin of Jeroboam son of Nebat.” What was his sin? He made two golden calves, built shrines to false gods and appointed priests who weren’t Levites.

I don’t see anywhere that God continually refers to David’s sin of adultery and murder. In fact, God even holds up David as an example of someone who obeyed Him. When Solomon’s heart turned away from God and he began to worship idols, God said, “So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.

Again, please don’t hear me say that murder and adultery aren’t so bad or that God looks the other way and gives a pass. That’s not the case.

But I think we’ve been deceived into thinking that having other “gods” before Jehovah and worshiping idols isn’t any big deal. Like somehow those sins only applied to ancient Israel.

In 1 Kings 18, the prophet Elijah confronts Ahab and tells him to assemble the the people and the false prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. There’s going to be a show down between Elijah and the false prophets of Baal. Actually, there’s going to be a show down between Jehovah and the false god, Baal.

When everyone has assembled, Elijah says:

“How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”

You can read the chapter to find out what happens next. It’s awesome.

So the question was asked thousands of years ago, but it’s still relevant. We just need to change the name of the false god.

“How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if _____________ is God, follow him.”

What false gods or idols do we need to place in the blank?

If your job is God, follow him.

If your money is God, follow him.

If sex is your God, follow him.

If your children are God, follow them.

If your house is God, follow him.

If your favorite sports team is God, follow him.

If the way you look is God, follow him.

Jehovah is a jealous God. He isn’t interested in sharing us with our false gods and idols. We have to choose Him or them. We can’t have both.

How long will you and I waver?

We need to pick our God and follow him. Whoever he is.

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