How to Stop Your Divorce

How to Stop Your Divorce

Robyn and I once owned a home that had cracks in some of the walls. Maybe you’ve got some in your home too. Of course, the problem isn’t the wall; it’s the foundation.

We don’t usually think about the foundation when looking at a home. We’re more interested in the layout, the size of the bedrooms and the number of bathrooms.

We only think about the foundation when we see signs of a bad one, like cracks in the walls, doors that don’t close quite right and windows that stick.

Marriage is a lot like that. We don’t give a whole lot of thought to the foundation until we begin seeing cracks in the walls.

If someone was to walk into your marriage and take a look around today…what would they see? Would any cracks be visible?

Unmet needs? Lack of appreciation? Little or no affection? Infrequent or non-existent sex? The “D-word” (divorce) being tossed around?

Fixing the cracks isn’t the answer. We have to go deeper. To the foundation.

Repairing the foundation is the solution.

I’ve put together a short book to help identify some (not all) of the symptoms of a bad marital foundation. Then we look at the very practical steps we can take to begin building on solid ground.

If you’d like a free copy, you can get it here:

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