Is the Lord’s Arm Too Short?

Take a moment to read Exodus 16 and 17 and Numbers 11. You really need to catch the flavor of what’s happening.

So here’s the situation: through Moses, God has led His people out of slavery in Egypt into the desert. They are on their way to the land He promised to Abraham hundreds of years earlier.

Don’t miss that. Imagine it for a moment.

You’ve heard the stories about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You’ve heard about Joseph being sold as a slave, but rising to power in Egypt by God’s providence. But you’ve also lived all of your life as a slave to the Egyptians. It’s all you know.

But now it’s all happening! To you! You saw the plagues inflicted on Egypt. You walked through the Red Sea on dry ground. You are following the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. It’s really happening. God is right in your midst. The miracles are real. God is real.

And yet…the desert is also real. It’s hot. It’s dry. There’s no food. There’s no water. Just a desert and a couple million Israelites.

Sure, God got you out of Egypt–where there was enough food and water, by the way–but how in the world is He going to get you through this desert? You, along with everyone else, realize there’s no way this can turn out well, so you do what comes naturally…you grumble, you quarrel, you complain and you wail.

And God hears you.

God isn’t happy about all the whining, but in response to the faithless Israelites, God provides meat, manna and water. And in response to Moses’ complaining, God says:

“Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true.”

What are you lacking today? It’s probably not food or water, but it’s something. Are you sick? Do you have more bills than income? Are you in a strained relationship? What do you need God to do?

You may look around and see nothing but desert. There’s nothing around you to help your situation. No matter which way you turn there’s more desert.

Is the Lord’s arm too short? Is He really able to work in your circumstances?

The Israelites could not have imagined that manna would miraculously appear on the ground six days a week for forty years. They never would have guessed that water would gush from a rock.

You may not be able to see any possible way for God to meet your need. But what you can see or not see is irrelevant. The Lord can see. The Lord knows what to do. And at just the right time, He’ll act.

Keep seeking Him. Keep believing Him. Your faith is pleasing to Him and He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

Know this for sure: the Lord’s arm is not too short.

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4 thoughts on “Is the Lord’s Arm Too Short?

  1. Levi,
    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it very much.

    Lord, I ask You today to meet Levi and his wife right where they are. Reveal Yourself to them as the God whose arm is not too short. While they are in a season of exodus or wandering in a desert, I pray You will abundantly supply their needs and fill them with your wisdom and peace. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

  2. Thank you my friend, this was/is indeed a Word in season for me. My wife and I are on an Exodus of our own right now and your teaching here was a stream in the desert for us. God bless you and thank you.

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