It’s A War

We were born into the middle of a war zone. It’s easy, too easy, to forget that. God and Satan are fighting a war. It’s often an unseen war, but real nonetheless. The battlefield is the mind.

Romans 12:1-2 tells us we’re “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” We become more like Christ as we believe the truth and act on it. In contrast, if we believe the lies and deceptions of the enemy, we never move on toward maturity in Christ. We are not even distinguishable from those who don’t know Christ. We are casualties and we often aren’t even aware.

The battlefield is the mind, but the real prize is the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” The heart is accessed through the mind. If we believe the truth, the heart will, too. If we allow the mind to be filled with lies and distractions, then the heart comes under attack.

I wish it wasn’t a war. It would be nice to be back in the garden, but we got kicked out of there a long time ago. Someday, things will be set right again. The war will end. Peace will reign. Until then, we fight on. We believe the truth and thereby guard the heart.

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