Marriage Book

I started work on a marriage book this week. It’s been on my mind for a long time, but I haven’t done much to move it from my head to words on a page. Then a couple weeks ago after doing a sermon on marriage, a friend approached me and said, “You need to write a book and I have the outline.”

We met a few days later. Sure enough, she had the outline. And I really liked it. That was the tipping point. It feels wrong to not write it now.

In writing a book though, I’m asking myself the same kind of questions I ask when writing this blog, only multiplied by a hundred.

“Who are you to write a book?”

“There are so many marriage books–do we really need another one?”

“How can you write a book when you don’t always live up to what you say you believe?”

All good questions for which I don’t have good answers. Often I feel like I’m “winning” at my marriage, but sometimes I feel like I’m a selfish jerk. And sometimes I just feel like a big hypocrite who should probably be struck by lightening.

And yet, here I go.

My goal is to be finished with a first draft by the end of October. (It’ll help me to say that publicly to put some pressure on myself to finish.) You may see some of the content in this blog over the next couple of months. I think you’ll find it interesting whether you’re married or not.

I would like to ask for your help though.

What questions do you have about marriage? About the roles of husbands and wives? About choosing a spouse, if you’re single? About problems you’re dealing with? About the differences between men and women? About anything else?

Nothing is off limits. If you could see my outline, you’d know I mean it.

You can use the comment section or email me at:

By the way, now’s a good time to thank you for reading. I’m grateful to be able to share this journey with so many of you from all over the world. Also, I haven’t mentioned it very often, but if you’d like to subscribe to this blog and receive it by email–just sign up in that box over there to the right that says, “Enter your email address”, then just click on the subscribe button.

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