Media Fast

In the last few days…

The credit rating of the United States was downgraded by Standard & Poor’s.

One of our military helicopters was shot down in Afghanistan killing 30 of our most elite soldiers. My son-in-law will be deployed there next year.

As I write this, the DOW is down 450 points today.

The United States Army approved an atheism-themed rock concert at Fort Bragg where my other son-in-law is stationed.

The city of Philadelphia implemented a curfew to deal with rising violence.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said a severe solar storm could cause global chaos and disrupt satellite communications for years.

In Maryland, a 17-year-old robbed a blind man and then stabbed him to death.

These are just today’s headlines. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Yesterday, I deleted an app from my iPhone that I used to access Twitter. Most of what I was reading was producing fear, worry and anxiety. And I mostly follow people I tend to agree with!

Recently, I stopped listening to a couple talk radio programs because they were causing the same kinds of feelings. And again, I was listening to people who were promoting the same beliefs I have.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough. I don’t want to hear any more bad news.

It’s not that I want to live in blissful ignorance, although I seriously believe that’s better than living in fully informed anxiety. It’s just that I can’t do a single thing to change most of what I read or hear. It’s like having a boss who gives you responsibility without authority. It only leads to discouragement, stress and declining health.

Been there. Done that.

So like I said, I’m done.

I’m fasting from Twitter. Fasting from the news. Fasting from political talk radio.

If something big happens in the world that I really need to know about–I’m sure someone will tell me. And if they tell me too much or too often–I’ll fast from them, too.

In the meantime, I’ll choose to believe God. It’s why I write this blog in the first place. I need the consistent reminder that God is bigger and stronger than the politicians and the criminals (who often seem to be one in the same). I need to focus on the fact that God’s promises are true regardless of how the stock market is performing or whether housing prices are rising or falling. I have to remember that God can protect my two sons-in-law just as easy in Afghanistan as He can in California or North Carolina.

But I won’t remember any of those things as long as my mind is constantly being bombarded with bad news and if I neglect time in God’s word.

So how about you? Do you need to join me in a media fast?

Will you try it for 40 days?

What do you have to lose other than fear, anxiety, worry and discouragement?

Tune out the bad news and intentionally spend more time in His word.

Isaiah 26:3-4 says:

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.”

The Hebrew word for “steadfast” literally means: to lean, lay, rest, support, put, uphold, lean upon.

If you and I will choose to trust God, not what we see or feel–we will experience peace. Our minds will lean on and rest in Him.

It doesn’t happen by accident though. And it doesn’t happen without a fight. Sometimes a hard fight. We have an enemy who is intent on deceiving and discouraging us. He wants our minds filled with anxious thoughts. He loves it when we focus on circumstances we cannot control rather than the One in complete control of all circumstances.

I’m starting my fast now. 40 days. At least.

Media is out. More Bible is in.

I’m looking forward to the peace and joy that will result.

Will you join me? Leave a comment and/or email me if you’re in:

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