I need milestones and fresh starts. I find it too easy to drift, to get off course in this life. My commitments and good intentions don’t hold up in the everyday grind. So it’s good to have certain days that remind me to check my course, to align my wheels, to be reminded of what’s best and right and true.
Today is one of those days for me because I’m turning 46. It was also four months ago today that I finished packing our U-Haul and made the drive to Fayetteville.
As I read Psalm 90 this morning, I asked for a heart of wisdom. It’s what I need. I want a heart that knows what is best, a heart that seeks after God, a heart that turns away from the pleasures and temptations of this world.
How about you? Have you drifted off course? Is it time for a fresh start? Today may not be your birthday, but it can still be a new beginning. Ask God for a heart of wisdom and watch what He does.