
If you Google “first moonwalk”, you’ll get a mix of Neil Amstrong’s first steps on the moon and Michael Jackson’s dance moves from the Motown special in the early 80’s.

I was six years old when Neil stepped onto the surface of the moon. I don’t think I watched it live. I was in college when Michael glided backwards across the stage and remember watching it in the lounge of a dorm at Cornell. I thought the stage was moving.

Both moonwalks are amazing to me. In different ways of course.

Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk required courage, dedication, years of planning and a total team effort.

Michael’s took raw talent mixed with lots of hard work and practice.

You won’t get to be the first moonwalker, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do something amazing.

What talents and gifts has God given you? Will you combine them with courage, hard work, dedication and whatever else is needed? Will you get others involved?

What amazing thing has God called you to do? Not someone else. You.

Will you do it?

We need you to.

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