We have a 9-year-old beagle. Her name is Ivy. She’s a very sweet dog. She’s weird though. She hates to be left alone and has always been very afraid of anyone she doesn’t know, even little kids. Some people have dogs that run to the door to “greet” people. Ivy hides under the sofa.
We learned years ago to not confine her to a room. She has tried chewing her way out of the garage, the laundry room and the kitchen. She shredded the molding around the doors in the process.
During our recent move to Fayetteville, she rode with me in the cab of the U-Haul. She couldn’t sit still and panted for three hours. No, it wasn’t hot. Someone told me dogs pant when they’re nervous or anxious. That explains a lot. For part of the trip, she kept trying to get on the floor by my feet. Nothing good was going to come of that, so I used a backpack to block her path. Then she kept moving from the seat to the floor and back again. For three hours.
Now that we’ve moved, Ivy spends much of the time hiding underneath the sofa. Maybe she figures it will save her time if someone new comes in.
Fear and anxiety can make us do strange stuff.
Saul had threatened to kill David, but Jonathan, Saul’s son, tipped him off, so David is now on the run. In 1 Samuel 21, he goes to a guy named Achish, the king of Gath. While there, he becomes very fearful of Achish. “So he pretended to be insane in their presence; and while he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard.”
Sounds like something Ivy would do…or I would do.
When I allow fear of my circumstances or fear of man to control me, I might as well be panting like Ivy or drooling like David. Fear leads to anxiety and worry, which causes a host of problems. My blood pressure increases. Migraines become more frequent. Problems become obstacles rather than opportunities for God to work. I just want to hide under the sofa.
Rather than fear, the right response is to believe God and remember He can handle whatever I’m facing. He has a solution. As I trust Him, I get to see Him do things only He can do, my faith is strengthened and His purposes are accomplished. Nothing good can result from focusing on my circumstances. Only good can result from keeping my eyes fixed on God. Plus, I’m probably a lot more pleasant to be around with my tongue in my mouth and my chin free of drool.