Five times in the first three verses of Psalm 113, the writer says to praise Jehovah. So how many times do I just read past “Praise Him” to get to something new or more interesting…some encouraging thought for the day? It’s hard to ignore five times in three verses though.
Rather than reading on, today I stopped and turned to Revelation 4 and 5. If you haven’t been there in awhile, I encourage you to re-visit the scene John describes for us. Has any man ever seen anything more spectacular?
After a glimpse of the scene around the throne, turn to chapter 19. The praise continues and then we get to watch Him come again, not humbly as a baby this time, but as a conquering King. I can’t help picturing Gandalf the White riding into battle on his white horse in Lord of the Rings.
As John takes all this in, he falls at the feet of the angel with him to worship him. I wonder if it’s like a doctor tapping your knee with the little hammer to produce a reflex response…when we see God as He really is, the reflex response is to fall down and worship.
The angel says, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!” Let’s worship…
O King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we praise You by declaring that only You are worthy, only You are good, only You are Faithful and True. We join with the angels in saying You are holy, holy, holy. Salvation and glory and power are Yours. You hold heaven and earth in Your hands. You are completely trustworthy. You alone are Lord God Almighty. Jesus, You are the Word of God. You are the Lamb who was slain, who takes away our sin. We praise You and thank You and want You to be glorified in our lives. We fall down before You. Amen.