Whatever You Do, Don’t Give Up

The older I get–I’ll be 50 in a couple weeks–the less I seem to understand. I had much more figured out a couple decades ago. I’m probably less sure about more things than I’ve ever been, while still remaining solid on my core beliefs. At the core, I believe there is a God who has […]

Where’s God When You Need Him?

I just finished reading through the Old Testament books of Judges and Ruth. They both take place during the same time period in Israel’s history. In Judges, we get a look at all of the various people who led Israel during the time from about 1382 to 1043 BC, including Deborah, Gideon and Samson. These […]

I Believe God: a 40 day adventure

I began this blog several years ago, because I’m a worry-aholic. I’m in recovery, but I still battle it everyday. I forget what my mother was worrying about one day, but when I was about 20-years-old and thought I had the Christian life mastered, I said to her, “Just don’t worry.” Just don’t worry. I […]

Don’t Believe What You See

Take a few minutes to watch the video. Very interesting, huh? What you were seeing didn’t match up with what you were hearing, so your brain told you you were hearing a different sound. The truth was that the sound never changed. Only your perception of it did. I think the same thing happens with […]