The A La Carte Christian Life

As Americans, or maybe it’s just as humans, we like choices. We enjoy going out to eat, opening the menu and getting to decide what we want to eat. We get to decide whether we want soup or a salad and what kind. We can choose a baked potato, french fries or no potato at […]

Just Answer the Question

In John 5, Jesus asks a man who’s been lame for 38 years, “Would you like to get well?” It’s a “yes” or “no” question. Either the man wants to be well or he doesn’t. But that’s not how he answers. He begins to explain to Jesus “why” he can’t be healed. That wasn’t the […]


Do you have a favorite day of the year? Your birthday? Valentine’s Day? Your anniversary? Thanksgiving or Christmas? The opening day of deer season? My favorite day of the year is December 23rd. Why December 23rd? It’s because of the anticipation. It’s all those magical moments leading up to being together as a family and […]

Why I was SO Annoyed at My Wife

20 Days of Believing God – Day 2 A number of years ago, my wife, Robyn, ruined the floors in three rooms of our house. It was thousands of dollars in damage. Money we didn’t have. I won’t even go in to how she did it. That’s not important. The floors were ruined. Can you […]

Why I Was SO Annoyed at My Wife

20 Days of Believing God – Day 2 A number of years ago, my wife, Robyn, ruined the floors in three rooms of our house. It was thousands of dollars in damage. Money we didn’t have. I won’t even go in to how she did it. That’s not important. The floors were ruined. Can you […]

Freak Out or Faith?

How do you respond in a crisis? I don’t mean your first reaction. No one does well when the phone rings at 2:00 a.m. I’m talking about your second reaction. After you’ve had a little time to process. Do you panic? Feel overwhelmed? Worry? Get anxious? Are you filled with fear? Or dread? Or maybe […]