Dealing With Disappointment

Of all the negative emotions we can experience…fear, anxiety, worry, shame, etc….I believe disappointment is one of the worst. We’ve all experienced it. It’s that feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when things don’t turn out like we’d hoped or prayed or counted on. You wanted a new bike for Christmas. Instead, you got a sweater. […]

Do You Understand…Yourself?

Jake grew up in a home with a mom, dad and older brother. He played basketball like his dad, but wasn’t nearly as good as his older brother. Actually, Jake loved guitar and piano more than sports. Unfortunately, his father didn’t have much of an appreciation for music. He valued practical skills like repairing a […]

Knowing God’s Will

Have you ever wanted to know God’s will beyond any shadow of a doubt? I mean no wondering, no second guessing, no trying to figure things out? Well, keep reading…but let me start with a few more questions… Would you describe yourself as “grateful?” Are you thankful for what you have? Or do you feel […]


20 Days of Believing God (Day 18) I wouldn’t consider myself to be someone who is ungrateful. But then I realized that I often focus on what I don’t have. What I’m lacking. What I still want. And so I feel discontent. Disappointed. Sometimes like I’m failing. So today I thought I’d turn it around…for […]

Actively Waiting on God

20 Days of Believing God (Day 10) Yesterday, we looked at the wrong ways to wait on God. Today, let’s look at how to do it right. I knew a guy a number of years ago who was an ultra-marathon runner. Those are the 100-mile races. He and I got into a fitness discussion one […]

How Not to Wait on God

20 Days of Believing God (Day 9) You have a need. You feel confident God will meet it. But nothing happens. So you wait. And wait…and wait. Until you’re tired of waiting. So tired. After God promised Abraham and Sarah they would have a son, they waited 25 years for his birth. David waited 14 […]

The Desert Comes Before the Promised Land

20 Days of Believing God (Day 8) After Jesus was baptized we read, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” After Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, he preached there, but then went into Arabia for several years. The origin of the word Arabia can […]

Ask God to Surprise You

20 Days of Believing God (Day 7) I just sent an email to my subscribers and suggested they plan a surprise for their spouse this weekend. Nothing elaborate. Just to be intentional about meeting each other’s needs. Surprising each other is a fun way to keep the mystery and excitement alive. Just when I think […]

The #1 Thing a Husband MUST Do for HIMSELF

Hey guys, what would you say is the #1 thing you must do for yourself? Get in better shape? Read the Bible more? Discover your true passion and gifting? Get more sleep? Cut down on the number of hours at work? Those would all be good things, but not the #1 thing. Not as a […]