I Just Don’t Have Time

Complete the following sentence… I’m so busy, I just don’t have time to _______________________. Exercise? Read? Learn to play the guitar? Write a book? Read your Bible? Go for a walk with your spouse? Pray more? Play with your kids? We’ve all been there. You may be there now. If we’re not careful, it’s easy […]

What Do You Fear?

I fear snakes. I hate them. Occasionally, I’ll have a dream about them. It’s never good. When you don’t know much about snakes, like I don’t, it’s probably a healthy thing to fear them. I couldn’t tell you if it’s a good snake to have around to eat mice or if it’s the most venomous […]

The Adventure of a Lifetime

Think about some of the great films we love. The Lord of the Rings. Remember the Titans. Star Wars. Rocky. Each story is about a character (or characters) who must overcome great obstacles to complete a mission or reach an objective. They must face their fears and persevere through conflict and difficulties. In the process, […]