Hey guys, what would you say is the #1 thing you must do for yourself?
Get in better shape?
Read the Bible more?
Discover your true passion and gifting?
Get more sleep?
Cut down on the number of hours at work?
Those would all be good things, but not the #1 thing. Not as a husband.
The #1 thing you must do for YOURSELF…is to love your wife.
“…husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.” (Ephesians 5:28)
Think about it…when you love your wife, God says you’re actually loving yourself as well. So why is that true?
Well, when you love your wife, then she turns around and loves (and respects) you in return. And I’m not talking about love the noun. If all we did was say to one another, “I have warm feelings about you”…that wouldn’t do any of us much good, would it?
No, we’re talking about the love the verb. It’s active love. It’s doing things for each other that meet our needs and make us feel good about the relationship.
When we choose to actively love another by serving one another and meeting each others needs, THEN we feel love (the noun). And that’s when marriage is fun and exciting.
Husbands, do you know how to love your wife? I mean in a way that she truly feels it. In a way that helps her feel understood, cared for, valued and desired?
This is just some of what I cover in my new video course, “How to Understand Your Spouse and Transform Your Marriage.” You can check it by clicking the button. I’ve got a sale going until Saturday, December 5th at midnight.
Whether you’ve got a great Christmas gift already picked out or not, I promise your wife won’t mind if you add in a better marriage!
By the way, loving your wife well is also the #2 thing you must do for your children. I cover that and the #1 thing in the course.
Quick note to the wives: if you’re reading this, then I encourage you to check out the course and suggest to your husband that you work through it together over the next few weeks. It’s okay to not be subtle when it comes to creating an amazing marriage. As men, we often need more than hints!