The Adventure of a Lifetime

Think about some of the great films we love.

The Lord of the Rings.

Remember the Titans.

Star Wars.


Each story is about a character (or characters) who must overcome great obstacles to complete a mission or reach an objective. They must face their fears and persevere through conflict and difficulties. In the process, they grow and change and get stronger and better.

So what’s your story? Everyone has one. What’s yours?

Would it be worth reading?

Would it be worth telling?

What transcendent cause are you living for?

Are you feeding the hungry? Raising money to provide clean water for a village in Peru? Giving away as much money as you can to support missionaries in southwest Asia? Raising children willing to take risks to spread the good news of Jesus Christ? Starting a ministry where none existed before?

What obstacles are you overcoming? Criticism from your family and friends? A serious medical issue? Your own feelings of inadequacy? Fear of failure? Lack of resources? A difficult relationship?

Who’s in the battle with you? Your spouse? Your children? Some close friends?

Who are you depending on for success? Are you out on a limb with no hope of succeeding if God doesn’t come through? Are you attempting something so great that only God can get the credit when it happens?

Or are you playing it safe, giving in to fear? Too concerned with the opinions of others. Placing personal comfort and security above all else.

Are you growing stronger? Are you a better person for having faced your fears and overcome obstacles? Are you in the process of overcoming them now?

By the way, this isn’t just for those who have graduated from college or have established careers. I don’t care who you are, how old you are or what your circumstances are. You can start living a better story today. Right now, if you want.

Maybe the reason we spend so much time and money on the distractions of television, the internet, shopping and hobbies is because our stories stink. Our own lives are boring us to death.

Tomorrow is a blank page. What are you going to write for yourself?

The adventure of a lifetime awaits you.

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