The Five Temptation Warning Lights

Pleasure is a gift from God…a gift that takes many forms.

A delicious meal. Moonlight sparkling across the ocean. Making love with your wife of 23 years. The scent of a special perfume. The sound of a gentle rain on a spring afternoon.

We were made for pleasure.

Ultimate pleasure is found in Christ because we were created by Him and for Him. Only in Him do we discover true love, meaning, purpose…and lasting pleasure.

If we’re not pursuing ultimate pleasure in Christ, then we’ll begin to push beyond the pleasure boundaries He has established. I talked about that in recent posts.

Even when we’re pursuing pleasure in Christ, there are times when we’re particularly vulnerable to pursuing pleasures beyond the boundaries. When that happens, we set ourselves up for pain, not pleasure. Oh, there may be temporary pleasure, but it is soon replaced by the long-lasting pain of sorrow, guilt and eventually addiction.

Warning lights on the dashboard of your car are a signal that something needs attention. If left unchecked, you could do damage to your car or put yourself in harms way. When you see any of these five feelings flashing on your emotional dashboard, be careful…you’re particularly vulnerable to the temptation to seek pleasure by pushing beyond the God-given boundaries that exist for your protection.

This could be hunger for food, hunger for sex or hunger for something else. When we’re hungry, we look to satisfy it. Don’t get too hungry or for too long.

Anger has a way of clouding our judgment…especially anger at God. If you feel like God has let you down, then it’s a little easier to ignore the guidelines He’s given around pleasure-seeking. Resolve your anger and recognize it’s making you vulnerable to temptation.

If we’re disconnected from God or others, we’ll look to fill the void of loneliness with something. Could be food. Could be sex. Could be alcohol. Whatever the case, it’s very easy to go beyond the boundaries. Stay connected to God, to your spouse and to your friends.

When we’re tired, it’s easy for our defenses to be down. Things that may not normally tempt us, will now. This could be a physical tiredness from working too much, not sleeping enough or not exercising consistently. Or it could be an emotional tiredness from stress, unresolved conflict or any number of things. Be careful. Choose to take care of yourself so you don’t get too tired.

When we’re bored, we’ll naturally look for something to excite, thrill or at least occupy us. It’s very tempting to look for excitement in the wrong places. If you find often find yourself bored, then take steps to build relationships, learn a new skill, try a new hobby, etc. Lengthy periods of time with nothing to do are unhealthy.

Enjoy the pleasures God has given. Remember that ultimate pleasure is found only in Him. And be on the lookout for signs of HALT-B: hungry, angry, lonely, tired and bored.

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