The Grace of God

While Jesus is being crucified, there were a number of women there who had followed Him. Unless I’ve missed someone, the only one of His disciples who showed up was John.

On Sunday morning, two of the women who were at the cross are the first two who arrive at the tomb. Once there, they see the stone has been rolled away. When they entered the tomb, they see an angel sitting there.

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ”

Go tell his disciples and Peter…

The guys fled when he was arrested. These same guys, other than John, also didn’t show when He was crucified. Go tell them.

Interesting that the angel only calls out Peter by name. The guy who not only fled, but who denied he even knew Jesus. Three times.

Go tell his disciples and Peter…

That’s grace. That’s forgiveness. That’s unconditional love.

And Jesus has them for you, too.

He doesn’t want you to sin. He knows how harmful it is to you and your relationship with Him. He knows the guilt and shame it produces. He knows the distance you feel it causes between you and Him.

No, He doesn’t want you to sin, but when you do sin, He doesn’t want it to keep you from seeking Him. Sin is harmful to us. Not seeking God because of it only makes it worse.

If you’re trying to rid your life of a bad habit or a sin that has plagued you, it won’t work unless you also make it your goal to love and seek God.

Our hearts must have something to seek after and worship. If it’s not God, then it will be something else.

If you are entangled in a sin you can’t beat–don’t let it keep you from God. Satan wants you to believe God is angry and disappointed with you. Don’t believe it.

Do what you know to do to weed out the sin in your life while at the same time cultivating your relationship with God. Spend time in His word. Talk with Him throughout the day. Listen to worship songs. Meet with others who also want to grow.

Just don’t let feelings of guilt and shame keep you from seeking Him. If you have placed your faith in Jesus to forgive you, then His grace has covered your sin. He is not holding your sin against you. He took your punishment.

The grace of God has you covered. Now act like it.

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