The Great King

Psalm 47:2 says, “How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!”

What a simple yet profound reminder–Jehovah is King over all the earth. Nothing or no one is outside His rule and authority. Every king, president and ruler is subject to Him. Every citizen of every country is under His reign. Jehovah owns all the land and all the buildings everywhere. He controls bank accounts and investment accounts. Every house, car and television is His. He alone determines the price of oil and the price of food. He controls the flow of resources. It all belongs to Him.

He also controls every heart beat, every breath and every blink of our eyes. He is the One who holds every cell in our bodies together. He set the day of our birth and He has set the day of our death. He has set every day in between. He knows our every thought and every need. Because He is the sole sovereign Ruler over everything and everyone, there’s never a need He can’t meet or a desire He can’t fulfill.

Because He’s not only the King, but our Father, too, we can come joyfully to Him at any time with any request. And since He is all-wise, all-knowing and all-powerful, and because every good and perfect gift comes from Him–we can always trust Him to do what is absolutely best for us at all times. It is impossible for Him to do anything less than what is for our good and His glory.

Jesus told us to not run after the things the pagans run after. Our Father, our King knows what we need already and has promised to give those things to us when we seek His kingdom and His righteousness first.

If we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him?

We have nothing to worry about, because we know the King. And even better than that, He’s our Dad.

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