To Him Who Sits On the Throne

40 Days of Believing God – Day 24

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Revelation. I don’t let the stuff I don’t understand stop me from enjoying the parts I do understand.

I don’t love the book because of all the end-times stuff, although those parts are cool. What I love most are the descriptions John gives us of what he sees happening around the throne of God.

If you’ve shied away from Revelation, let me encourage you to spend some time in there. Chapters 4 and 5 are my favorites.

Don’t get hung up on the description of the four living creatures and think the book is too weird or hard to understand. I’ve seen some pretty strange looking fish on the Discovery Channel. God has made all kinds of creatures…in heaven and on earth.

As you read Revelation 4 and 5, try to imagine the scene John is describing. It’s fantastic. The best special-effects movie you’ve ever seen wouldn’t do it justice.

When we forget this unseen reality and focus only on this life and our present circumstances, we can easily become discouraged and overwhelmed. Remember though, your present circumstances will not last. Your illness, your negative checking account balance, the strained relationship…none of it will last forever.

The God you read about in Revelation is the same God who is at work in your life today. All of heaven and earth are under His power and control. There’s nothing He can’t do for you.

Last night I went to bed early because I didn’t feel well, but wasn’t necessarily sleepy. So I put my earphones in and listened to worship music on my iPod. Have you done that lately? Just listened to your favorite worship songs for an hour?

Try it today and visualize what you’ve read in Revelation 4 and 5. It’s much easier to believe God when you have a correct view of just who it is you’re believing.

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