1 Samuel 15 is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible. Saul, who God selected to be Israel’s first king, is now rejected by Him. While we have the benefit of 3000 years of hindsight, still though, you could see this coming.
Saul just never acted like a king. He never seemed to make the transition to being Israel’s leader. He hid. He didn’t follow God’s instructions. He made excuses. He feared men more than God. Saul was a case study in how not to lead.
I fear that I see too much of myself in Saul. I too often don’t live out of my true identity in Christ. Instead, I follow the ways of this world and pursue pleasure more than holiness. I excuse my own disobedience. I worry about what others will think more than what God will think.
After one incident where Saul again fails to fully obey God’s instructions, the word of God comes to Samuel, “I am grieved that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from Me and has not carried out my instructions.” Later, Samuel tracks Saul down and gives him the news. Saul’s first response is to again make excuses.
Can you imagine anything more sobering than hearing God say you have grieved Him and He is sorry He gave you the position or assignment He did?
God entrusts us with missions and resources. He entrusts us with the assignment of managing what He has put under our care. He entrusts us with being His ambassadors. And He delights in obedience more than sacrifices.
The role of king is taken from Saul who had turned away from Jehovah. It’s going to be given to David, who we know is not perfect, but who is a man after God’s own heart.
May we have hearts like David.