The Only Way to True Relaxation

Since God is pleased by faith (Hebrews 11:6) and faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1), then it would seem to follow that God will regularly place us in situations where we can’t see.

If we could see, faith wouldn’t be needed…but it’s faith that pleases Him. See?

We have a need, but cannot see how it will be met. So we seek God. We ask Him to help us. God rewards those who seek Him. That’s also in Hebrews 11:6.

God does not show us everything ahead of time. He doesn’t let us see how everything is going to work out.

My tendency is to become anxious, worried or fearful when I have an unmet need and cannot figure out how God can meet it or if He even will. What if instead I became expectant? What if I began to anticipate God doing something only He can do? When that happens, He is praised and His glory is most evident to us.

Isn’t that what I want anyway? Isn’t God’s glory my ultimate goal?

We often talk about a personal relationship with God. We talk about getting to know Him better and becoming more like Him. Well, here’s something we can know for sure about Him–He gets pleasure from our trust in Him. And since He’s madly in love with us, always wants what’s best for us and is always true to His promises to care for us and meet our needs…we really have nothing to worry about. Confusing or difficult circumstances that don’t look like they’ll work out, are perfect for seeing God show up.

What are you facing? A job loss? A broken marriage? A strained relationship with a child? Bills you can’t pay? A positive biopsy?

Don’t be surprised if you can’t see how it will all work out. Remember–God is pleased by faith and rewards those who seek Him. He wants You to trust Him. It’s okay that you can’t see the answer. He can see it. And that’s what matters.

So just relax and believe Him.

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