Wanna Hear Something Weird?

A very big invisible being created everything that exists. He did it by speaking.

It would be logical to ask who or what created the very big invisible being, but that’s where logic would get you into trouble. He (yes, He’s personal, not an “it”) is uncreated. No beginning. He’s just always been there.

What was He doing during all that time before He created the universe? Well, as far as I can tell, He was in a loving relationship with Himself.

Yeah, He wasn’t really alone because, well, He’s actually three, but really just one.

Hold on, it gets weirder.

He created people, so He could love and care for them and they could love and trust Him. But He also gave them a choice. They didn’t have to love and trust Him. So they didn’t.

That was a big problem. It meant punishment…for a really long time, like forever.

Not good.

So because of His love, this eternal Being came to earth as one of us. You could almost say He was in disguise, because so many of us didn’t recognize Him.

Anyway, He walked around and ate food and used the bathroom and stuff like that. He was one of us…sort of. The biggest difference was that He never did anything wrong. Oh, He was tempted to, but He never gave in.

Then one day He let us kill Him. He said that was necessary so He could take the punishment we deserved for turning away from Him (not loving or trusting Him).

Guess what? He was only dead for a few days. Less than 48 hours actually. He came back to life and proved He really was the Creator He’d claimed to be and that He could forgive us.

Before He went back to heaven (the place He came from), He said He’d come back again and straighten out this whole mess we’re all in. He didn’t say when. It wasn’t for us to know.

He also said we could go live with Him forever if we wanted. All we had to do was follow this list of about 600 rules and never break any of them. Nah, just kidding. He said all we needed to do was trust Him. That’s it. Just believe what He said.

Oh, I almost forgot. The One who came to earth…His name is Jesus. It was His Father that punished Him. And He sent the other One (of the three I talked about earlier) to live inside us to give us power to live like He did.

That’s a pretty weird story if you ask me.

I believe it.

Do you?

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