Do you ever get to the point where you’ve had enough? I mean really had enough. Like you’ve given it your best shot, but it just didn’t work out?
Maybe you feel that way about your marriage. Or a relationship with one of your kids. Or someone you’ve been dating. Or the business you started.
And do you ever feel like you’ve given it your all, but God didn’t come through the way you thought He would? You did all you knew to do…worked hard, prayed even harder, walked by faith and anticipated God’s blessings.
And then you waited patiently. And you waited. And waited.
And you’re still waiting.
And have you ever looked around at others and wondered why things seem to be going so well for them? Why is God blessing them, but not you? They don’t seem to be smarter or more talented than you. They don’t even trust God the way you do.
And yet, they seem to be enjoying the success that keeps alluding you.
Now what?
What do you do when the doubt creeps in, the anxiety takes over and you feel like you’ve exhausted all your options? What do you do when quitting feels like your only choice?
I’ll be honest…I can relate to those feelings. And there are no easy answers to those questions.
In Lamentations 3, Jeremiah is recounting an awful time in his life. Click here to read the entire chapter. Here are verses 19 to 27:
19 The thought of my suffering and homelessness
is bitter beyond words.
20 I will never forget this awful time,
as I grieve over my loss.
21 Yet I still dare to hope
when I remember this:
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!”
25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him,
to those who search for him.
26 So it is good to wait quietly
for salvation from the Lord.
27 And it is good for people to submit at an early age
to the yoke of his discipline
The chapter hinges on verse 21 which begins with that little three-letter word, “yet.”
Things are awful…yet.
You don’t know how you’re going to make it…yet.
You’ve never been this discouraged…yet.
You see no way things can get better…yet.
Yet you can still dare to hope. Why?
Because you remember His love never ends. His mercies never cease. His faithfulness is great. He is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him.
God sees you. Right now. In this very moment of fear and worry and anxiety. In this moment of disappointment and despair. He knows what you’re feeling. He understands your heartache.
He hasn’t forgotten you. He knows what He’s doing. The pain and confusion won’t be wasted.
Later in the chapter, Jeremiah says:
54 The water rose over my head,
and I cried out, “This is the end!”
(Can you relate?)
55 But I called on your name, Lord,
from deep within the pit.
56 You heard me when I cried, “Listen to my pleading!
Hear my cry for help!”
57 Yes, you came when I called;
you told me, “Do not fear.”
If it feels like the water is rising over your head and you’re deep within the pit…call out to Him again. Do it now. He’s listening.
I know it’s hard, but don’t give up. Don’t quit. Keep going. Keep crying out to Him.
And then listen as He whispers to you, “Do not fear.”