What Do You Want?

Very early in His ministry, Jesus was walking by one day and John said to two of his disciples, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

So the two disciples start following Jesus.

Jesus turns around and sees these two guys following Him and asks them, “What do you want?”

I’m thinking that maybe these guys were taken off guard by the question because they reply by saying, “Rabbi, where are you staying?”

Really? That’s the best you’ve got? “Where are you staying?”

That’s not even an answer, it’s a question. Maybe that’s the best they could do on a moment’s notice. But you and I have more than a moment, so how would you answer the question? If right now, Jesus asked what you wanted, how would you respond?

Do you want more money? A better job? Or maybe just any job at this point? Do you want a spouse? Or a different spouse? Do you want a baby? A house? A car? To no longer be lonely or afraid or depressed?

What do you want? Think about it. Take your time. But give it some thought.

Now what if you gave Jesus your answer and then He looked into your eyes and said, “What do you really want?”

What would you say then?

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