What Do You Want to Do?

I don’t know. What do you want to do?

I don’t know. What do you want to do?

Sometimes it just doesn’t matter. Whatever. Just pick. Make a decision.

That may be fine when it comes to a choice of restaurants or what movie to see or where to go on vacation, but it’s not fine when deciding who or what to believe.

The writer of Psalm 119:113 says, “I hate double-minded men, but I love Your law.”

In chapter 1 of his letter, James is writing about the man who asks God for wisdom, but doubts God will give it. He says, “That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.”

Those are pretty tough words.

Double-minded means to waver, to be uncertain, to doubt, to be ambivalent. To be ambivalent is to have a simultaneous and contradictory attitude or feeling toward an object, person or action. It’s to be in continual fluctuation between one thing and its opposite. It’s to be uncertain about which approach to follow.

Do you ever feel that way? I do. One moment I seem to have great faith in God and His ability to work in whatever circumstances I’m facing. The next moment it’s like a wave of doubt crashes over the side of my little boat and threatens to sink my wavering faith.

The choice I most often have is the one between believing God or believing my circumstances. That’s where I experience the simultaneous and contradictory feelings, the continual fluctuation.

I often live with one eye on God and the other on my circumstances. One eye sends signals of faith and hope, knowing God can and will work on my behalf. The other sends signals of discouragement and doom, sure that things will never work out and never get better.

God will give wisdom if we ask. God will make a way if we trust Him. God will replace anxiety and worry with peace and hope.

The question is this: do I really believe He will? I mean really believe. If I don’t, then I’m going to waver and doubt and fluctuate…I’m going to be double-minded.

Can God be trusted to come through?

I think I just need to settle the question. Make a decision. Pick sides.

What about you?

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