20 Days of Believing God (Day 6)
Last weekend, my right eye was watery and bloodshot. Then I felt a mild sore throat coming on. Then some congestion. And by Tuesday night, my eye was fine, but my throat was not. Mildly sore had become severely sore. I didn’t get much sleep that night and didn’t get much work done yesterday. Including a post for day 5 of our 20 Days of Believing God.
After a trip to my doctor, I’m already starting to feel better, but not getting a post done for yesterday is probably a good reminder…
We can make all the plans we want, but we’re just not in control…and our plans are rarely, if ever, the point.
We can get frustrated when things don’t go our way, but maybe when they don’t, they’re actually going exactly as God intended. Maybe being sick when you feel like you can least afford it is God’s way of saying, “I’m not dependent on your work to meet your needs. I’ve already got this!” Or maybe, “Why don’t you slow down for a moment so you’ll hear My voice?”
I’m not saying God is going around making us sick, but I sure do believe He can use our sickness or failure or confusion to get through to us…if we’re open to Him.
So what’s not going right in your world today?
Did you oversleep and miss a meeting?
Open an email and discover you’re late on a payment?
Did your baby poop or throw up on you…right after getting both of you dressed?
Was it an argument with your spouse before you even had your first cup of coffee?
What’s confusing you or frustrating you today?
Whatever it is you’ve already faced, are facing now or will face later today…remember that the One who made you and loves you is never taken by surprise by your frustrating day, your messed up plans or the vomit stain on your shoulder.
So if God isn’t making all our plans succeed or making everyday go smoothly for us…let’s remember what’s really going on.
Let’s not lose sight of the simple fact that God wants you. Not your plans. Not your work. Not your promises to do better.
He wants YOU.
He desires you. He longs for you. He watches and waits for you. He enjoys the time you spend with Him. He loves it when you talk to Him while you drive or go for a walk. He delights in you. He enjoys you.
He didn’t make anyone else just like you. He wanted a unique relationship with YOU.
And He wants you to love Him and know Him. He likes it when you seek Him. He enjoys it when you believe Him…not your out-of-control circumstances.
And He invites you to experience Him and His rest today. Right now. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said:
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
That’s a wonderful invitation, isn’t it?
But let’s not miss our part, because if we do, I’m afraid we never get to experience what He’s promising.
We must come to Him and take His yoke upon us. When we do, He promises rest, He promises to teach us and He promises to give us a light burden.
To experience all He has for us, we must say “no” to all the distractions, so we can say “yes” to time with Him. Time alone with Him in His word is what allows us to learn to think like Him, to see life like He does, to know Him better so we can trust Him more.
And then what a privilege to also take our heavy burdens and give them to Him. Our financial worries. Our health issues. Our broken relationships.
“Here, Jesus, I’ve been carrying these for too long. I really don’t think I can take another step with them.”
I will never suggest this easy. If you’re like me, you give your burdens to Jesus, but take them back when you don’t see Him doing anything with them. We can know He’ll do something with them…it just won’t look like what we would have done OR when! And we need to be okay with that, because what we get in return are peace and a light burden.
So what’s ONE thing you can do right now to intentionally come to Jesus and give Him your heavy burdens? If you have an accountability partner, talk about it together.
And I’ll see you tomorrow. I think. That’s the plan anyway.