What if __________?

  1. What if God wants to tell you something really important about the next step in your life, but you can’t hear Him because of all the noise?
  2. What if you exchanged the amount of time you currently spend on your phone, laptop and television with the amount of time you read the Bible and talk to God?
  3. What if God meant everything He said?
  4. What if that thing you believe about yourself isn’t true?
  5. What if freedom isn’t found in doing whatever you want, but in obeying God?
  6. What if you made it your goal to meet as many of your spouse’s needs and wants as you can…starting today?
  7. What if you took a big risk to advance God’s kingdom?
  8. What if heaven is going to be a lot like the absolute best day on earth you can possibly imagine…only a million times better and minus any pain, sin, conflict or difficulties?
  9. What if your word of encouragement is the only thing that will give someone the hope to keep living?
  10. What if God is a lot more interested in your response to problems than in getting you out of them?
  11. What if the same God who did all those miracles in the Bible lives inside you and wants to help you?
  12. What if you treated your family the way you want to be treated?
  13. What if how your child treats others is more important than getting an “A” on a test?
  14. What if God is crazy in love with you?
  15. What if your current level of obeying God never changes–where will you be in ten years?
  16. What if God said He was going to bless you financially in proportion to how generous you’ve been lately–would you be excited or disappointed?
  17. What if you don’t need to worry because God has things figured out?
  18. What if you’re going to come under spiritual attack and your only defense is believing the truth–how well-armed are you?
  19. What if someone in the Bible faced the same problems you are and you could learn from that person how to (or not to) handle them?
  20. What if God treated you the way you treat your spouse?
  21. What if you don’t have something because you haven’t asked God or if you have asked, you’ve asked with wrong motives?
  22. What if “fearing God” doesn’t just mean respecting Him or being in awe of Him?
  23. What if God invented sex and His guidelines for it were for our good, not to rob us of a good time?
  24. What if the negative emotions (fear, worry, anxiety, etc.) you’re feeling are signal that you’ve got a wrong belief about God or yourself?
  25. What if almost everything in the world is a distraction to keep you from experiencing life in Christ?
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