What Is God’s Will?

Isn’t one of our most frequently asked questions: What is God’s will?

We want to know where we should live, which job to take, who to marry and what our major should be.

We pray for people to be healed. We pray for relief from financial stress. We pray for houses to sell.

And yet sometimes we’re still not sure. We still wonder what God wants or what He’s up to.

Let’s remove some of the uncertainty today. Let’s burn off the fog so we can see more clearly.

There’s something in Scripture that is undeniably the will of God. It’s something He has been saying for thousands of years.

The prophets said it. The apostles said it. Jesus said it. His followers for the past 2000 years have said it.

Read Jeremiah or Zechariah or Hosea or Ezekiel. Read the words of Jesus. Read Acts or Romans.

God has been crystal clear about His will throughout human history. What He’s been saying is simply this:

Return to Me.

If we do that, all the other questions will fall into place.

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